Parent Info
Arrival and Dismissal Maps
Title 1 - Site Council Meetings and Minutes 24-25
- Meeting Agenda 12/11/2024
- Meeting Notice 12/11/2024
- School Site Plan for Student Achievment 2024-2025
- 24-25 Site Council Meeting Dates
- Parent Student School Compact
- Parent Engagement Policy
Meeting Agenda 12/11/2024
Administration: Kathryn Conner Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Eileen Parish, Adrienne Card
Parent members: Tiffany Parker, Aydee Salas, Alexis Begue, Daniel Taylor, and Delicia Harrison
Other attendees:
Welcome and Introductions
- Call to Order:
- Quorum Met (51%): /10
- Meeting called to order:
- Review of Minutes: N/A 1st meeting of 2024
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
- Additional art and music programs, Choir? Additional support for Homework?
- Correspondence to ELAC meeting: Prop 28 parent survey results, program development for upcoming art programs
IV. Legal Requirements:
The New Site Council must participate in SSC Initial Training, including review of SSC roles, and responsibilities. The group then will uniform complaint procedures, and all members will be provided access to these documents:
- Uniform Complaint Procedures:
- Election of Officers:
We must nominate and elected officers for the 2024-2025 School year including:
- Chairperson:
- Vice Chairperson:
- Secretary:
- Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory:
- Motion to approve:
- Second:
- Motion passes:________
- School, Parent, Staff Compact review and approval:
- Esperanza School Level Parent Compact 24-25.docx
- Motion to approve:
- Second:
- Motion passes:________
- Esperanza School Level Parent Compact 24-25.docx
- Review School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Review the overall layout of the SPSA, and explored the breakdown of site goals, activities, and budget items to front load for the next meeting.
- SITE PLAN 2024.pdf
- Date for Title I Parent Meeting:
- Tentative* Wednesday December 18, 2024 in person and online - Room 305 2:30 p.m
- Review What Title 1 is, and review the Title 1 compact
- Tentative* Wednesday December 18, 2024 in person and online - Room 305 2:30 p.m
V. Unfinished Business: None at this time
VI. New Business:
- Meeting Days: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 Join in person in our conference room or online:
- December 11, 2024*
- January 29, 2025
- March 12, 2025
- April 23, 2025
- May 28th, 2025
- Tentative supplemental meeting: February 26, 2025
- *Meetings are subject to change based on events and availability of Quorum.
- Tentative supplemental meeting: February 26, 2025
VII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
- Kindergarten Winter Performances
- Friday 12/20- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
- Monday 12/23- Friday 1/10 WINTER BREAK
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Meeting
January 29th 3:00-4:00pm
Meeting Notice 12/11/2024
School Site Plan for Student Achievment 2024-2025
24-25 Site Council Meeting Dates
School Site Council Will Meet:
December 11, 2024
January 29, 2025
March 12, 2025
April 23, 2025
May 28th, 2025
Tentative supplemental meeting
February 26, 2025*
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Join in person in our conference room
or online
*Meetings are subject to change based on events and availability of Quorum.
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Parent Student School Compact
Title I, Part A School-Parent Compact
Esperanza Elementary the parents of the students participating in activities, services and programs funded by Title I, Part A, agree that the School-Parent Compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share in the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State high academic standards (Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] Section 1116[d]).
The school understands the importance of the school experience for every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Esperanza will strive to address the individual needs of all students
Esperanza will provide a safe space for students to communicate emotional needs.
Esperanza will Communicate regularly with families about academic progress and behavioral concerns.
Esperanza staff will encourage and promote a growth mindset for all students
Esperanza will create a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Esperanza will encourage students to be on time and ready to learn each day.
Esperanza staff will assure every student has access to a quality and engaging learning experiences.
The parent/guardian understands that participation in their student’s education will help their achievement, motivation, and attitude. Therefore, the parent will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Parents and Families will provide a healthy (physical, mental, emotional) home environment that supports student learning, models and fosters a love for reading, and promotes academic achievement in all content areas.
Parents and Families will ensure the student attend school on time and ready to learn
Parents and Families will encourage and develop a growth mindset, determination, and respect and responsibility in their students.
Parents and Families will respect school rules, handbook, staff, property, and school community
Parents and Families will monitor, engage, and educate our children on appropriate and healthy use of technology and screen time (as outlined by American Academy of Pediatrics)
Parents and Families will be active and engaged in our school community through opportunities such as: PTA events, volunteering opportunities, connecting through Dojo Communications and Powerschool, parent conferences, and school events
Parents and Families will build regular, positive two way communication with teachers, school staff, and school administrators to work towards mutual goals, positive resolutions, and student success.
The student realizes education is important. Therefore, they agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Students will be responsible for getting to school on time
Students will follow the SOAR Matrix and all school rules, demonstrating Self Control, On task behavior, Achievement and Respect in all areas.
Students will be responsible for completing and submitting assignments on time
Students will respect teachers, staff, and peers.
Students will resolve conflict appropriately, without physical or verbal aggression.
This Compact was established by Esperanza on (November 29, 2023 ), and will be in effect for the period of the 2023/2024 school year). The school will distribute the Compact annually to all parents and family members of students participating in the Title I, Part A program on, or before Semester 1 end.
Student Name/Title: Nathan Alvarez, Student Body President.
Parent Name /Title:Marlene Huerta/Parent
Teacher Name/Title: Christine Stafford, Teacher
SchoolAdministrator Name/Title: Kathryn Conner Principal
Parent Engagement Policy
Title I, Parent Engagement Policy
Esperanza, with parents and family members, has jointly developed, mutually agreed upon, and distributed to, parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs the following requirements as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) sections 1116 (b) and (c).
Describe how the Local Educational Agency (LEA) involved has a school district-level parent and family engagement policy that applies to all parents and family members in all schools served by the LEA, and how the LEA may amend that policy, if necessary to meet the requirements (ESSA Section 1116[b][3]).
The Westside USD has a district-level Board Policy (6020 Parent Involvement and AR 6020 Parent Involvement) that applies to all parents and family members for both Title I and non Title I school sites (ESSA Section 1116[b][3]). The District policy is reviewed by the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee annually and amended as needed. |
Describe how parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, may amend a parent and family engagement school policy that applies to all parents and family members, if necessary, to meet the requirements (ESSA Section 1116[b][2]). Describe how parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs are involved in jointly developing, distributing to, a written school parent and family engagement policy, agreed upon by such parents for carrying out the requirements in ESEA Section 1116(c) through (f) (ESSA Section 1116[b][1]):
This Esperanza policy describes the means of carrying out designated Title I, Part A parent and family engagement requirements pursuant to ESSA. The school site annually involves parents in the joint development and agreement of the policy, which is reviewed as part of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and through the site advisory groups, i.e., School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The policy is updated and/or amended periodically through joint collaboration to meet the changing needs of parents and the school (ESSA Section 1116(b)[2]). |
Describe how the school served by Title I, Part A funds holds an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents and family members of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school’s participation under Title I, Part A and to explain the requirements and the rights of the parents to be involved (ESSA Section 1116[c][1]). Describe the steps that the school takes to offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning, afternoon, evening or other ways and may provide, with funds provided under Title I, Part A, for transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement (ESSA Section 1116[c][2]).
The Title I school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students about Title I, Part A requirements and about the right of parents to be involved in the Title I, Part A program.
Describe how parents and family members of participating children are involved, and in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of schoolwide program plan under ESSA Section 1114(b), except that if a school has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school’s programs, the school may use that process, if such process includes an adequate representation of parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[c][3]).
Describe how the schoolwide program plan, ESSA Section 1114(b), is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, submitting any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA (ESSA Section 1116[c][5]).
Esperanza involves parents of Title I, Part A students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I, Part A programs and the Title I, Parent A parental involvement policy ESSA Section 1114(b) and ESSA Section 1116[c][3]. If the schoolwide plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, parents can submit comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA (ESSA Section 1116[c][5]).
Describe how the school is providing parents and family members of participating children of Title I, Part A programs: timely information about programs under Title I, Part A; a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards; and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible (ESSA sections 1116[c][4][A-C]
The school provides parents of Title I, Part A students with timely information about Title I, Part A programs, curriculum, and assessments (ESSA sections 1116[c][4][A-C].
Esperanza’s Title I, Part A School Parent and Family Engagement Policy was developed jointly and agreed on with parents and family members of children participating in Title I, Part A programs on (Insert Date). The School will distribute the policy to all parents and family members of participating Title I, Part A students annually on or before December 11, 2025.
Title 1 - Site Council Meetings and Minutes 23-24
- Meeting Agenda 05/15/2024
- Meeting Notice 5/15/24
- Meeting Minutes 1/31/24
- Meeting Agenda 1/31/24
- Meeting Notice 1/31/23
- Meeting Agenda 12/12/23
- Special meeting notice 12/12/23: Budget changes
- Meeting Minutes 11/29/23
- Meeting Agenda 11/29/23
- Meeting Notice 11/29/23
- Meeting Minutes 10/25/23
- Meeting Agenda 10/25/23
- Meeting Notice 10/25/23
- School Site Plan for Student Achievment 2023-2024
- 23-24 Site Council Meeting Dates
- Parent Student School Compact
- Parent Engagement Policy
Meeting Agenda 05/15/2024
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda May 15, 2024 3:00 p.m. |
Sign in: May 15 Sign in
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Other attendees: N/A Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%) ): yes /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 1.31.24
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
WASC Accreidation action plan-
We received our 6 year WASC accreditation with a mid cycle ( 3 year mini) review
We updated our school action plan to address identified needs in the WASC visiting committee report. We added goals in the Site plan to make sure we plan actions to address the areas on campus that were targetted by WASC
Review and make suggestions for SPSA for 2024-2025
Look at the additions to Site Plan Goals
2024_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_Esperanza_Elementary_School_20240129 (7).pdf
Suggestions for added services/actions:
Suggestions for added services/actions:
Suggestions for added services/actions:
Motion to approve updates to the School Site PLan for the 2024/2025 School year:
Motion passes:
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday: May 29th, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Meeting Notice 5/15/24
Meeting Minutes 1/31/24
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda JANUARY 31, 2024 3:00 p.m. |
Sign in:
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Other attendees: N/A Not in attendance: Kathryn Conner, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Call to Order 3:06PM
Quorum Met (51%) ): yes /8
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 12.12 -Special Budget**
Motion to approve: Tiffany Parker
Second: Tessa Campbell
Motion passes: yes
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
Review and approve Schoolwide safety plan
2024_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_Esperanza_Elementary_School_20240129 (7).pdf
Changs to Safety Plan for 2024:
There are three new sections added to schoolwide safety plans this year. These just came into effect on January 1, 2024.
#1. Opioid Overdose Protocol (for sites with grades 7 – 12). ( does not apply to EZ) Protocol must be included in the school safety plan for pupils suffering from or reasonably believed to be suffering from an opioid overdose.
#2. Adaptations for Pupils with Disabilities (all sites) Appropriate adaptations for students with disabilities must be included in your disaster procedures section.
#3 Dangerous, Violent, or Unlawful Activities Safety plans are required to include all procedures to assess and respond to reports of dangerous, violent, or unlawful activity being conducted or threatened to be conducted at the school, at an activity sponsored by the school, or on a school bus serving the school.
Motion to approve: Erica Meadows
Second: Amanda Goodell
Motion passes: yes
Site Plan review of goals and spending/programs up to date
Public Comments: Amanda asked- Tier 2, Lexia learning- why was that chosen? Previous program was discontinued, after reviewing options, Lexia aligned best with what the school needed. Mr. Y and Robotics team in December- would be great to share at board meeting, Feb 5-9th, MAY the 4th Youthbuild, Yearbook begins 2/1, Valentines Grams,
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday February 9th: January/Dec Student of the Month K-2
Wednesday February 14th: Valentine’s Day
Friday February 16th: ELAC meeting
Monday February 19th: President’s Day Holiday- NO SCHOOL
Mon-Wed, March 4-6: WASC Visit
Friday March 8th: January Student of the Month K-2
Friday March 15th: Minimum Day ( end of 3rd Quarter)
Monday March 18-Friday March 29th: SPRING VACATION NO SCHOOL
TUESDAY FEB 6TH, school board presentation
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 4:02pm
By: Amanda Goodell
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday: March 13, 2024, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Future SSC meetings:
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Meeting Agenda 1/31/24
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda JANUARY 31, 2024 3:00 p.m. |
Sign in:
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Other attendees: N/A Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%) ): yes /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 12.12 -Special Budget**
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
Review and approve Schoolwide safety plan
2024_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_Esperanza_Elementary_School_20240129 (7).pdf
Changs to Safety Plan for 2024:
There are three new sections added to schoolwdie safety plans this year. These just came into effect on January 1, 2024.
#1. Opioid Overdose Protocol (for sites with grades 7 – 12). ( does not apply to EZ) Protocol must be included in the school safety plan for pupils suffering from or reasonably believed to be suffering from an opioid overdose.
#2. Adaptations for Pupils with Disabilities (all sites) Appropriate adaptations for students with disabilities must be included in your disaster procedures section.
#3 Dangerous, Violent, or Unlawful Activities Safety plans are required to include all procedures to assess and respond to reports of dangerous, violent, or unlawful activity being conducted or threatened to be conducted at the school, at an activity sponsored by the school, or on a school bus serving the school.
Site Plan review of goals and spending/programs up to date
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday February 9th: January/Dec Student of the Month K-2
Wednesday February 14th: Valentine’s Day
Friday February 16th: ELAC meeting
Monday February 19th: President’s Day Holiday- NO SCHOOL
Friday March 8th: January Student of the Month K-2
Friday March 15th: Minimum Day ( end of 3rd Quarter)
Monday March 18-Friday March 29th: SPRING VACATION NO SCHOOL
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday: March 13, 2024, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Future SSC meetings:
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Meeting Notice 1/31/23
Meeting Agenda 12/12/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda DECEMBER 12, 2023 3:00 p.m. |
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Joseph Harbaugh, Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock
Other attendees: Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%):
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 10.25
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:________
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
Budget Changes and Allocations within Site Plan
Site Plan review of goals and spending
EZ SPSA/Title 1 Programs/Materials 23-24
Look at our previous budget $98,297
Goal 1- Pink Tab: pg 35
Strategy/Action 1: $31,897---> $33,897
(increase of $3,00 in G1 A1 L5)
Strategy/Action 2: $25,000---> $40,000
(increase of $15,00 in G1 A2 L7)
Strategy/Action 3: $7,000
Goal 2- Orange Tab: pg43
Strategy/Action 1: $7,500--->$52,747
(Increas of $45,247 in G2A2, lines 1, 5 and 6)
Line 1 increase of $1400
Line 5 Increase of $11,600
Line 6 increase of $32,247
Strategy/Action 2: $10,100--->$19,100
(Increase of $9050.00 In G2 A2Lines 1,3 and 6)
Line 1 increase of $5,000
Line 3 increase of $3,050
Line 6 increase of $1,000
Strategy/Action 3: $ 0---> $4050
Added Line 1 ($3000) and line 2 ($1050) to Strategy 3 to include classified salary and classified benefits for afterschool homework and tutoring help for ELL students as outlined in Goal 2 Action 3.
Strategy/Action 4: $0
Goal 3- Yellow Tab: pg 52 (activities start pg 64)
Strategy/Action 1: $10,500--->11,500 in G3A1L3
(Increase of $1,000 in G3A1 Line 3)
Strategy/Action 2: $1,800
Strategy/Action 2: $4,000
Motion to approve:
Motion Passed:_________
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Wednesday 12/7-20th NWEA Winter Testing
Tuesday 12/12- Special SSC meeting to approve changes to budget/allocations
Wednesday 12/20- Ist grade Winter performance for parents 6:00 pm
Thursday 12/21- Kinder Holiday Performance- Must raptor by 12/10-12/11
Friday 12/22- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/25- Monday 1/15 WINTER BREAK/ MLK day & Pajama Day
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday: January 31st, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Future SSC meetings:
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Special meeting notice 12/12/23: Budget changes
Meeting Minutes 11/29/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda November 29, 2023 3:00 p.m. |
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Joseph Harbaugh, Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock
Other attendees: Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%):
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 10.25
Motion to approve: Renee Hofmann
Second: Jessica Sherlock
Motion passes: Yes
ELAC Advisory Report:
ELAc committee has asked for homework help for parents and students who are ELL
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: Homework helper program has funding in SIPSA, and should begin in January.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
School, Parent, Staff Compact approval:
Esperanza School Level Parent Compact.docx
Motion to approve: Amanda Goodell
Second: Julianna Maldanado
Motion passes: Yes
Site Plan review of goals and spending
Look at our Goals
EZ Title I_ Check in_11.16.23 (1).pdf
Look at our Spending in Semester 1
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
None at this time
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday 12/1 :
Student Council Wacky and Weird Winter Sweater day
Title 1 Parent presentation 5:30-6:00 p.m. Room 305
PTA Holiday night 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Monday 12/4- MINIMUM day
Wednesday 12/7-20th NWEA Winter Testing
Wednesday 12/20- Ist grade Winter performance for parents 6:00 pm
Friday 12/22- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/25- Monday 1/15 WINTER BREAK/ MLK day
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 4:10
By: Amanda Goodell
SPECIAL Title 1 Budegt approval meeting; Tues December 12th.
Next REGULAR Meeting:
Wednesday: January 31st, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Future SSC meetings:
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Meeting Agenda 11/29/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda November 29, 2023 3:00 p.m. |
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Joseph Harbaugh, Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock
Other attendees: Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%):
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 10.25
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:________
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
School, Parent, Staff Compact approval:
Esperanza School Level Parent Compact.docx
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:________
Site Plan review of goals and spending
Look at our Goals
EZ Title I_ Check in_11.16.23 (1).pdf
Look at our Speninding in Semester 1
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday 12/1 :
Student Council Wacky and Weird Winter Sweater day
Title 1 Parent presentation 5:30-6:00 p.m. Room 305
PTA Holiday night 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Monday 12/4- MINIMUM day
Wednesday 12/7-20th NWEA Winter Testing
Wednesday 12/20- Ist grade Winter performance for parents 6:00 pm
Friday 12/22- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/25- Monday 1/15 WINTER BREAK/ MLK day
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Meeting:
Wednesday: January 31st, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Future SSC meetings:
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Meeting Notice 11/29/23
Meeting Minutes 10/25/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda October 25, 2023 3:00 p.m. |
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Administration: Renee Hofmann and Kathryn Conner not in attendance: NA
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Joseph Harbaugh, Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock
Other attendees:
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%):
Meeting called to order: 10/25/23 at 3:13 pm
Review of Minutes: N/A
ELAC Advisory Report: No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
IV. Legal Requirements
SSC Training EZ 2023-2024 .pptx
Uniform Complaint Procedures:
Election of Officers
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell (returning 1 yr of 2 yr term)
Vice Chairperson: ___Jessica Sherlock____________(open)
Secretary: ___Tiffany Parker________________(open)
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: ___Mr. Harbaugh & Amanda Goodell____(2 open)
Motion to approve by: Amanda Goodell
Second: Juliana Maldanado
V. Review School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
General review of interventions in place:
Esperanza School Level Parent Compact.docx
Drafted the parent portion of the Parent Compact
Date for Title I Parent Meeting:
Date and time TBD @ Coffee with the Principal Presentation Room 305.
VI. Unfinished Business: N/A
VII. New Business:
Meeting Days: Wednesdays after 3:00
Following dates
VIII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Parent - shade structures ( EZ trees, pavilions, field w/o shade) If we were interested in shade structure 3 yr process, funding is at the site level.
Math after school tutoring
IX: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday October 27th 6-8 pm. Fall Family Fun night (PTA event)
Monday October 30th: BMX Rally Assemblies (PTA giveback)
Veteran’s Day Friday 11/10 SCHOOL CLOSURE
Superintendent’s Advisory Meetings:
#2 November 14, 2023-@ Cottonwood 11:30-1:00
#3 January 23, 2024 @ CW 11:30-1:00
#4 April 16, 2024 @ CW 11:30-1:00
#5 May 14, 2024 @ CW 11:30-1:00
Thanksgiving Break Monday 11/20- Friday 11/24 SCHOOL CLOSURE
Monday 11/27- MINIMUM day
Monday 12/4- MINIMUM day
Friday 12/22- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/25- Monday 1/15 WINTER BREAK/ MLK day
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 4:36
By: Amanda Goodell
Next Meeting:
Suggestions for topics: Attendance data (chronic absenteeism)
11/29 Wednesday 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
November 29, 2023
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 15th 2024
Meeting Agenda 10/25/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda October 25, 2023 3:00 p.m. |
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Administration: not in attendance:
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members:
Other attendees:
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%):
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: N/A
ELAC Advisory Report: No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
IV. Legal Requirements
SSC Training EZ 2023-2024 .pptx
Uniform Complaint Procedures:
Election of Officers
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell (returning 1 yr of 2 yr term)
Vice Chairperson: ________________________________(open)
Secretary: _______________________________________(open)
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: _____________________(2 open)
Motion to approve by: Second:
V. Review School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
General review of interventions in place:
Date for Title I Parent Meeting:
Date and time TBD @ Coffee with the Principal Presentation Room 305.
VI. Unfinished Business: N/A
VII. New Business:
Meeting Days: Wednesdays after 3:00
Following dates
VIII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
IX: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Friday October 28th 6-8 pm. Fall Family Fun night (PTA event)
Monday October 30th: BMX Rally Assemblies (PTA giveback)
Veteran’s Day Friday 11/10 SCHOOL CLOSURE
Thanksgiving Break Monday 11/20- Friday 11/24 SCHOOL CLOSURE
Monday 11/27- MINIMUM day
Monday 12/4- MINIMUM day
Friday 12/22- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/15- Monday 1/15 WINTER BREAK/ MLK day
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Meeting:
11/29 Wednesday 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
November 29, 2023
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 5th 2024
Meeting Notice 10/25/23
School Site Plan for Student Achievment 2023-2024
23-24 Site Council Meeting Dates
School Site Council Will Meet:
October 25, 2023
November 29, 2023
***December 12, 2023
January 31, 2024
March 13, 2024
May 15th 2024
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Join in person in our conference room
or online
***Special meeting to update budget due to state allocation change
Esperanza's mission is to create a safe, equitable and academically rigorous school environment which focuses
on developing college and career ready students to be productive and responsible citizens of the world.
Parent Student School Compact
Title I, Part A School-Parent Compact
Esperanza Elementary the parents of the students participating in activities, services and programs funded by Title I, Part A, agree that the School-Parent Compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share in the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State high academic standards (Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] Section 1116[d]).
The school understands the importance of the school experience for every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Esperanza will strive to address the individual needs of all students
Esperanza will provide a safe space for students to communicate emotional needs.
Esperanza will Communicate regularly with families about academic progress and behavioral concerns.
Esperanza staff will encourage and promote a growth mindset for all students
Esperanza will create a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Esperanza will encourage students to be on time and ready to learn each day.
Esperanza staff will assure every student has access to a quality and engaging learning experiences.
The parent/guardian understands that participation in their student’s education will help their achievement, motivation, and attitude. Therefore, the parent will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Parents and Families will provide a healthy (physical, mental, emotional) home environment that supports student learning, models and fosters a love for reading, and promotes academic achievement in all content areas.
Parents and Families will ensure the student attend school on time and ready to learn
Parents and Families will encourage and develop a growth mindset, determination, and respect and responsibility in their students.
Parents and Families will respect school rules, handbook, staff, property, and school community
Parents and Families will monitor, engage, and educate our children on appropriate and healthy use of technology and screen time (as outlined by American Academy of Pediatrics)
Parents and Families will be active and engaged in our school community through opportunities such as: PTA events, volunteering opportunities, connecting through Dojo Communications and Powerschool, parent conferences, and school events
Parents and Families will build regular, positive two way communication with teachers, school staff, and school administrators to work towards mutual goals, positive resolutions, and student success.
The student realizes education is important. Therefore, they agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Students will be responsible for getting to school on time
Students will follow the SOAR Matrix and all school rules, demonstrating Self Control, On task behavior, Achievement and Respect in all areas.
Students will be responsible for completing and submitting assignments on time
Students will respect teachers, staff, and peers.
Students will resolve conflict appropriately, without physical or verbal aggression.
This Compact was established by Esperanza on (November 29, 2023 ), and will be in effect for the period of the 2023/2024 school year). The school will distribute the Compact annually to all parents and family members of students participating in the Title I, Part A program on, or before Semester 1 end.
Student Name/Title: Mya Green, Student Body President.
Parent Name /Title:Amanda Goodell/Parent, Site Council Chairperson
Teacher Name/Title: Christine Stafford, Teacher
SchoolAdministrator Name/Title: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann/ Co-Principals
Parent Engagement Policy
Title I, Parent Engagement Policy
Esperanza, with parents and family members, has jointly developed, mutually agreed upon, and distributed to, parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs the following requirements as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) sections 1116 (b) and (c).
Describe how the Local Educational Agency (LEA) involved has a school district-level parent and family engagement policy that applies to all parents and family members in all schools served by the LEA, and how the LEA may amend that policy, if necessary to meet the requirements (ESSA Section 1116[b][3]).
The Westside USD has a district-level Board Policy (6020 Parent Involvement and AR 6020 Parent Involvement) that applies to all parents and family members for both Title I and non Title I school sites (ESSA Section 1116[b][3]). The District policy is reviewed by the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee annually and amended as needed. |
Describe how parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, may amend a parent and family engagement school policy that applies to all parents and family members, if necessary, to meet the requirements (ESSA Section 1116[b][2]). Describe how parents and family members of participating children in Title I, Part A programs are involved in jointly developing, distributing to, a written school parent and family engagement policy, agreed upon by such parents for carrying out the requirements in ESEA Section 1116(c) through (f) (ESSA Section 1116[b][1]):
This Esperanza policy describes the means of carrying out designated Title I, Part A parent and family engagement requirements pursuant to ESSA. The school site annually involves parents in the joint development and agreement of the policy, which is reviewed as part of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and through the site advisory groups, i.e., School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The policy is updated and/or amended periodically through joint collaboration to meet the changing needs of parents and the school (ESSA Section 1116(b)[2]). |
Describe how the school served by Title I, Part A funds holds an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents and family members of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parents of their school’s participation under Title I, Part A and to explain the requirements and the rights of the parents to be involved (ESSA Section 1116[c][1]). Describe the steps that the school takes to offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning, afternoon, evening or other ways and may provide, with funds provided under Title I, Part A, for transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement (ESSA Section 1116[c][2]).
The Title I school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students about Title I, Part A requirements and about the right of parents to be involved in the Title I, Part A program.
Describe how parents and family members of participating children are involved, and in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of programs under Title I, Part A, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of schoolwide program plan under ESSA Section 1114(b), except that if a school has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school’s programs, the school may use that process, if such process includes an adequate representation of parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[c][3]).
Describe how the schoolwide program plan, ESSA Section 1114(b), is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, submitting any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA (ESSA Section 1116[c][5]).
Esperanza involves parents of Title I, Part A students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I, Part A programs and the Title I, Parent A parental involvement policy ESSA Section 1114(b) and ESSA Section 1116[c][3]. If the schoolwide plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children in Title I, Part A programs, parents can submit comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA (ESSA Section 1116[c][5]).
Describe how the school is providing parents and family members of participating children of Title I, Part A programs: timely information about programs under Title I, Part A; a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards; and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible (ESSA sections 1116[c][4][A-C]
The school provides parents of Title I, Part A students with timely information about Title I, Part A programs, curriculum, and assessments (ESSA sections 1116[c][4][A-C].
Esperanza’s Title I, Part A School Parent and Family Engagement Policy was developed jointly and agreed on with parents and family members of children participating in Title I, Part A programs on (Insert Date). The School will distribute the policy to all parents and family members of participating Title I, Part A students annually on or before December 18, 2024
___________Kathryn Conner ____________ ____________________________________
Name of Principal Signature of Principal and Date
__________Amanda Goodell_____________ ________________________11/29/23_____
Name of SSC Representative Signature of SSC Representative and Date
Site Council Meetings and Minutes 22-23
- Meeting Agenda 05/29/24
- Meeting Notice 5/29/24
- Meeting Mintues 05/15/24
- Meeting Notice 2/15/23
- Meeting Minutes 1/18/23
- Meeting Agenda 1/18/23
- Meeting Notice 1/18/23
- Meeting Minutes 12/14/22
- Meeting Agenda 12/14/22
- Meeting Notice 12/14/22
- Meeting Minutes 11/09/22
- Meeting Agenda 11/09/22
- Meeting Notice 11/09/22
- School Site Plan for Student Achievement
Meeting Agenda 05/29/24
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda May 29, 2024 3:00 p.m. |
Sign in: May 29th Sign In
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Other attendees: N/A Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%) ): yes /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 5.15.24
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:
ELAC Advisory Report:
Additional suggestions for se4rvices and programs added to the Site Plan: Music/Band for additional grade levels.
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Unfinished Business:
Approval of School Site Plan for 2024-2025
Approve the site plan which includes added suggested actions and services from Site Council, Staff, Needs assessment, ELAC, Parent partners
Motion to approve:
Motion passes:
Public Comments:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
May 22nd: Parent English Class in Room 305 from 9:50-12:00
May 28th: 2nd Grade Dinosaur Trunk on campus assembly
May 28th: VEX Robotics Team Meeting after school (Students MUST be invited)
May 29th: Grades lock
May 29th: 1st Grade Spring Performance from 6-7
May 30th: 4th Grade End of the Year Performance from 8-9:30
May 31st: 4th Grade End of the Year Performance from 8-9:30
May 31st: Counselor’s Report in 305 from 2:15-3:15
5K in Leona Valley: June 1st
June 3rd: Former EZ students and QH Graduate Walk from 10:00-10:30
June 4th: Talent Show for TK-2nd grade students from 8:15-10:00
June 4th: Mrs. Robert’s Kinder End of the Year Celebration from 9-10:00
June 4th: Mrs. Gonzalez’s Kinder End of the Year Celebration from 10:30-11:30
June 5th: TK & Kindergarten Water Play Day from 8-11
June 5th: Talent Show for 3rd-6th grade students from 8:15-10:00
June 5th: 5th grade Merit Party to RV Park from 12:30-1:45
June 5th: End of the Year Awards Assembly for grades 3-5 from 2:15-3:00
June 6th: Mrs. Haight’s End of the Year Celebration from 8:15-9:00
June 6th: 6th grade Trivia Day from 8:30-9:40
June 6th: Mrs. Parish’s End of the Year Celebration from 9:30-10:30
June 6th: Mrs. Murtaugh’s End of the Year Celebration from 11:30-12:30
June 6th: 6th Grade Celebration & Dance from 5-7
June 7th: Last day of school & Minimum Day. School will get out 1 hour early.
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Meeting Notice 5/29/24
Meeting Mintues 05/15/24
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda May 15, 2024 3:00 p.m. |
Sign in: May 15 Sign in
Administration: Kathryn Conner, Renee Hofmann
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Tiffany Parker , Amanda Goodell, Erica Meadows, Jessica Sherlock, Joseph Harbaugh
Other attendees: N/A Not in attendance:
Welcome and Introductions - Please sign in using the link sent to your email, or by scanning the QR code.
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%) ): yes/10
Meeting called to order: 3:06 pm
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2023-2024 1.31.24
Motion to approve: Jessica Sherlock
Second: Erika Meadows
Motion passes: yes
ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations at this time**
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
Headphones for language translation, Google Zoom allows closed captions in different languages, work on language translation improvement services for next year
Unfinished Business:
WASC Accreditation action plan-
We received our 6-year WASC accreditation with a mid-cycle (3-year mini) review
We updated our school action plan to address identified needs in the WASC visiting committee report. We added goals in the Site plan to make sure we plan actions to address the areas on campus that were targetted by WASC
Review and make suggestions for SPSA for 2024-2025
Look at the additions to Site Plan Goals
2024_Comprehensive_School_Safety_Plan_Esperanza_Elementary_School_20240129 (7).pdf
Suggestions for added services/actions: upper level, interventions math and reading
GATE after school opportunities
Suggestions for added services/actions: planners, folders AVID
Suggestions for added services/actions: “circle of security” parenting program
Share with parents the attendance classroom winners
Eagle Feather tracking necklace/ Dojo may have options for tracking points
Motion to approve updates to the School Site Plan for the 2024/2025 School year:
Motion passes:
Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at the Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Upcoming Important Dates, Events, and Opportunities to Connect at School:
Semester 2 awards June 5th, 3,4,5th semester academic awards. June 6th is 6th-grade awards along with merit-based dance
Talent show Tues 4th/5th
4th-grade dances May 30th/31st 8:10am-9am each day
June 3rd- EZ alumni are going to do cap and gown parade for HS graduates to help encourage graduation
TK/Kinder celebration
X. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 4:37pm
By: Amanda
Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday: May 29th, 3:00 pm ( online or in person)
Meeting Notice 2/15/23
Meeting Minutes 1/18/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda January 18, 2022 3:00 p.m. |
Administration: Kathryn Conner Co-Principal, Renee Hofmann Co-Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members: Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado, Lorena Aguilar
Parent members: Andrea Vetor, Jessica Sherlock, Amanda Goodell
Not in attendance:Tessa Campbell ,Miju Pascual,Yoana Brambila
Other attendees:
Site Council Officers:
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell
Vice Chairperson: Yoana Brambila
Secretary: Juliana Maldonado
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: Miju Pasual/Jessica Sherlock
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order.
Quorum Met (51%): Yes or no 7 /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2022-2023 Dec 14
Motion to approve minutes: Jessica
Second to approve the minutes: Rozanne
Vote to approve: 7/7
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations were shared at this time* Latino Literacy will begin Jan 11th, every Wednesday from 12:10-1:40 for 10 weeks, ending 3/15. ELAC future meetings: Feb 8th, Apr 12th
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: ***DELAC Jan 27th @ Quartz Hill Library
IV. Unfinished Business:
Requested to see balance of funds, as well as trainings that applied to goals, and who is attending them at EZ. SEL goal, and develop social emotional parent awareness/trainings, assembly, so there are less distractions… the trickle down effect. Tessa Campbell agreed, and how we could do regular parent training.
Math goals and the school performance.
These will both be moved and addressed at our next budget SSC meeting on 2/15*
V. New Business:
Extended School Day Starting: 3 hour extended learning opportunity for 576 EZ students. Invites going home to qualified students (based on need). Invites are coded by student, and parents must register to retain a spot. Up to 5 days a week, u to 3 hours each day. Run by Boys and Girls Club to provide educational support, extra learning opportunities for struggling students. ( students can double dip- they can do clubs, tutoring, CORE, and then go to the extended day) FREE of charge to all qualified families. Only offered to K-6 students. Start time is after school.
Westside Parent Connection:
Parent led organization of Westside and Antelope Valley parents, staff, community:
Parent led network/help desk for Westside and Antelope Valley- Feb. 7
FACEBOOK group: Need parent helpers to provide information, updates, and communication, and to provide help and answer questions.
**If interested in moderating/contributing to this group please let me know! $500 for every single student enrolled in our title one schools, which are all WUSD schools with the exception of GAA.
Preschool/UPK birthdate now is 4 by April of next year. Registration will open be opening online soon. If you know interested families, share information, and direct them to our website for registration updates. March?
Kindergarten round up coming up.
Review New Data Points:
California Dashboard:
School Performance report cards updated from the state annually. This is back online. Reported December 2022. Our performance is no longer indicated though a color system, but through a
“ Cellular service type rating” -
The old system measured growth from year to year at a school
Now, the dashboard shows status only; How did students perform last year ( non comparative) Next year the dashboard will shift to compare years again.
Review our Site plan, with attention to our Goals and actions:
Review of spending towards these goals.
Read theory/Head Sprout
Read Naturally program (after school intervention)
Requisitions in for after school tutoring/enrichment: REQ's from SSC Title 1
6th grade ELA/Math
Art (1st/2nd)
Robotics ( programming, coding, math/science) This will be offered in two groups, Jitosho/Yoshikawa
Kindergarten Art: math and science enrichment
Needs Assessment brief overview:
We will be looking at our Needs Assessment in the coming meetings to create our New plan and goals for next year. ( our needs assessment is housed within ur site plan, and uses data from:
State Testing
School wide data including:
Suspension rates
Attendance rates
ELL reclassification rates
Special Education Population
Overall Enrollment including:
Subgroups- SPED, EL…
Superintendent April 18th CW academy @ 11:30 lunch provided.
VII. Public Comments:
Support parent education with understanding devices (cell phones) i.e. social media etc to help parents start conversations with students.
-Reducing screen time
- mature content and language
PTA wants to coordinate coffee with the principal
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Monday 16th MLK Day: NO SCHOOL
Monday 23rd 2:15-3:00 4th grade Semester 1 Honor Awards (by invitation only)
Monday 30th 2:15-3:00 5th/6th Semester 1 Honor Awards (by invitation only)
Tuesday 7th: Esperanza Board Presentation @ Hillview: Recognizing Years of Service for our staff, NWEA growth, student activities, and all that we do here at EZ!
Monday 20th: President’s Day Holiday: NO SCHOOL
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 3:52
Motion By: Amanda Goodell Second: Juliana Maldonado
Next Meeting
Wednesday February 15th 3:00-5:00pm
Meeting Agenda 1/18/23
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda January 18, 2022 3:00 p.m. |
Administration: Kathryn Conner Co-Principal, Renee Hofmann Co-Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members: Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado, Lorena Aguilar
Parent members: Andrea Vetor, Jessica Sherlock, Miju Pascual, Amanda Goodell Yoana Brambila
Not in attendance:Tessa Campbell
Other attendees:
Site Council Officers:
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell
Vice Chairperson: Yoana Brambila
Secretary: Juliana Maldonado
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: Miju Pasual/Jessica Sherlock
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order.
Quorum Met (51%): Yes or no /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Minutes 2022-2023 Dec 14
Motion to approve minutes:
Second to approve the minutes:
Vote to approve:
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations were shared at this time* Latino Literacy began Jan 11th, every Wednesday from 12:10-1:40 for 10 weeks, ending 3/15. ELAC future meetings: Feb 8th, Apr 12th
Correspondence to ELAC meeting:
IV. Unfinished Business:
Requested to see balance of funds, as well as trainings that applied to goals, and who is attending them at EZ. SEL goal, and develop social emotional parent awareness/trainings, assembly, so there are less distractions… the trickle down effect. Tessa Campbell agreed, and how we could do regular parent training.
Math goals and the school performance.
These will both be moved and addressed at our next budget SSC meeting on Wednesday 2/15
V. New Business:
Extended School Day Starting: 3 hour extended learning opportunity for 576 EZ students. Invites going home to qualified students (based on need). Invites are coded by student, and parents must register to retain a spot. Up to 5 days a week, u to 3 hours each day. RUn by Boys and Girls Club to provide educational support, extra learning opportunities for struggling students. ( students can double dip- they can do clubs, tutoring, CORE, and then go to the extended day) FREE of charge to all qualified families.
Westside Parent Connection:
Parent led organization of Westside and Antelope Valley parents, staff, community:
Parent led network/help desk for Westside and Antelope Valley
FACEBOOK group: Need parent helpers to provide information, updates, and communication, and to provide help and answer questions.
**If interested in moderating/contributing to this group please let me know! $500 for every single student enrolled in our title one schools, which are all WUSD schools with the exception of GAA.
Preschool/UPK birthdate now is 4 by April of next year. Registration will open be opening online soon. If you know interested families, share information, and direct them to our website for registration updates.
Review New Data Points:
California Dashboard:
School Performance report cards updated from the state annually. This is back online. Reported December 2022. Our performance is no longer indicated though a color system, but through a
“ Cellular service type rating” -
The old system measured growth from year to year at a school
Now, the dashboard shows status only; How did students perform last year ( non comparative) Next year the dashboard will shift to compare years again.
Review our Site plan, with attention to our Goals and actions:
Review of spending towards these goals.
Read theory/Head Sprout
Read Naturally program (after school intervention)
Requisitions in for after school tutoring/enrichment: REQ's from SSC Title 1
6th grade ELA/Math
Art (1st/2nd)
Robotics ( programming, coding, math/science) This will be offered in two groups, Jitosho/Yoshikawa
Kindergarten Art: math and science enrichment
Needs Assessment brief overview:
We will be looking at our Needs Assessment in the coming meetings to create our New plan and goals for next year. ( our needs assessment is housed within ur site plan, and uses data from:
State Testing
School wide data including:
Suspension rates
Attendance rates
ELL reclassification rates
Special Education Population
Overall Enrollment including:
Superintendent April 18th CW academy @ 11:30 lunch provided.
VII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Monday 16th MLK Day: NO SCHOOL
Monday 23rd 2:15-3:00 4th grade Semester 1 Honor Awards (by invitation only)
Monday 30th 2:15-3:00 5th/6th Semester 1 Honor Awards (by invitation only)
Tuesday 7th: Esperanza Board Presentation @ Hillview: Recognizing Years of Service for our staff, NWEA growth, student activities, and all that we do here at EZ!
Monday 20th: President’s Day Holiday: NO SCHOOL
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Motion By: Amanda Goodell Second:
Next Meeting
Wednesday February 15th 3:00-5:00pm
Meeting Notice 1/18/23
Meeting Minutes 12/14/22
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Minutes December 14, 2022 3:00 p.m. |
Administration: Kathryn Conner Co-Principal, Renee Hofmann Co-Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Yoana Brambila, Jessica Sherlock, Miju Pascual, Amanda Goodell not in attendance: Andrea Vetor
Other attendees: Renae Brown, Amy Tumbaga
Site Council Officers:
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell
Vice Chairperson: Yoana Brambila
Secretary: Tessa Campbell
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: Miju Pasual/Jessica Sherlock
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%): yes /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Meeting Minutes 11.9.22
Motion to approve minutes: Second to approve the minutes:
Vote to approve:
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations were shares at this time* Latino Literacy will begin Jan 11th, every Wednesday from 12:10-1:40 for 10 weeks, ending 3/15. ELAC future meetings: Jan 11th, Feb 8th, Apr 12th
Correspondence to ELAC meeting:
IV. Unfinished Business: None at this time
V. New Business:
Review our Site plan, with attention to our Goals and actions
Review of spending towards these goals in S1.
Read theory/Head Sprout
Read Naturally program ( after school intervention)
Requisitions in for after school tutoring/enrichment: REQ's from SSC Title 1
6th grade ELA/Math
Robotics ( programming, coding, math/science)
Kindergarten Art: math and science enrichment
VII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Thursday, December 15th:
First Grade Winter Performances (6:00-7:00pm)
Ugly Sweater day
Friday Deember 16th:
MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Pajama Day
Monday 12/19- Friday 1/6 WINTER BREAK
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Meeting
Wednesday January 18th 3:00-4:00pm
Meeting Agenda 12/14/22
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Agenda December 14, 2022 3:00 p.m. |
Administration: Kathryn Conner Co-Principal, Renee Hofmann Co-Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members:
Parent members:
Other attendees:
Site Council Officers:
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell
Vice Chairperson: Yoana Brambila
Secretary: Tessa Campbell
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: Miju Pasual/Jessica Sherlock
Welcome and Introductions
Call to Order
Quorum Met (51%): yes /10
Meeting called to order:
Review of Minutes: EZ SSC Meeting Minutes 11.9.22
Motion to approve minutes: Second to approve the minutes:
Vote to approve:
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations were shares at this time* Latino Literacy will begin Jan 11th, every Wednesday from 12:10-1:40 for 10 weeks, ending 3/15. ELAC future meetings: Jan 11th, Feb 8th, Apr 12th
Correspondence to ELAC meeting:
IV. Unfinished Business: None at this time
V. New Business:
Review our Site plan, with attention to our Goals and actions
Review of spending towards these goals in S1.
Read theory/Head Sprout
Read Naturally program ( after school intervention)
Requisitions in for after school tutoring/enrichment
6th grade ELA/Math
Robotics ( programming, coding, math/science)
Kindergarten Art: math and science enrichment
VII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Thursday, December 15th:
First Grade Winter Performances (6:00-7:00pm)
Ugly Sweater day
Friday December 16th:
MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Pajama Day
Monday 12/19- Friday 1/6 WINTER BREAK
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at:
Next Meeting
Wednesday January 11th 3:00-4:00pm
Meeting Notice 12/14/22
Meeting Minutes 11/09/22
Esperanza Elementary School School Site Council Minutes November 9, 2022 3:00 p.m. |
Administration: Kathryn Conner Co-Principal not in attendance: Renee Hofmann Co-Principal
Teachers/Other Staff members: Lorena Aguilar, Rozanne Galaviz, Tessa Campbell, Julianna Maldanado
Parent members: Yoana Brambila, Jessica Sherlock, Miju Pascual, Amanda Goodell
Not in attendance: Andrea Vetor
Other attendees: Renae Brown, Amy Tumbaga
Welcome and Introductions:
Mrs. Conner welcomes everyone in attendance. SSC members are joining both in person and virtually through Google Meet Link.
All Members introduce themselves to the council, and share their connection to the school.
Call to Order 3:08
Quorum Met (51%): yes 9/10
Meeting called to order: yes
Review of Minutes: N/A 1st meeting of 2022
III. ELAC Advisory Report:
No recommendations were share at this time** Parents asked about music programs at Esperanza, and look forward to hearing about interventions that we will offer outside of CORE reading
Correspondence to ELAC meeting: none at this time
IV. Legal Requirements
Training: EZ SSC Initial Training 1st Meeting
The New Site Council participated in SSC Initial Training, including review of SSC roles, and responsibilities. The group then review uniform complaint procedures, and all members were provided access to these documents:
Uniform Complaint Procedures:
Election of Officers:
The group nominated and elected officers for the 2022-2023 School year including:
Chairperson: Amanda Goodell
Vice Chairperson: Yoana Brambila
Secretary: Tessa Campbell
Representative to Superintendent’s Advisory: Miju Pasual/Jessica Sherlock
Motion to approve by: Amanda Goodell Second: Juliana Maldanado
Approved: motion passed 9/9
Review School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
SSC reviewed the overall layout of the SPSA, and explored the breakdown of site goals, activities, and budget items to front load for the next meeting.
Date for Title I Parent Meeting:
Monday November 28, 2022 @ Coffee with the Principal Presentation Room 305.
V. Unfinished Business: None at this time
VI. New Business:
Discussion of Meeting Days: Wednesdays after 3:00?
Majority agree that Wednesday is preferred.
VII. Public Comments:
Items to consider for presentation/discussion at Superintendent’s Advisory Meeting:
Can Raptoring be a part of back to School Registration where parents can scan ID’s or provide image ahead of time for the school year?
Can Esperanza have a second machine for printing badges as the largest school?
Schoolwide security: is this something WUSD would considered at the Elementary Level?
VIII: Upcoming Important Dates, Events and Opportunities to Connect at school:
Veteran’s Day Friday 11/11/ SCHOOL CLOSURE
Thanksgiving Breaks Monday 11/21- Friday 11/25 SCHOOL CLOSURE
Coffee with the Principals Monday 11/28 Room 305**
Monday 11/28- MINIMUM day
Monday 12/5- MINIMUM day
Kindergarten Winter Performances December 14th ( 8:00/9:00)**
Friday 12/16- MINIMUM day/Last day of Semester 1
Monday 12/19- Friday 1/6 WINTER BREAK
VII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at: 3:53
By: Kathryn Conner
Next Meeting
December 14th 3:00-4:00pm
Meeting Agenda 11/09/22
Meeting Notice 11/09/22
School Site Plan for Student Achievement
After School Care
Esperanza Has two outside providers that offer afterschool programs on our school site. These programs are not run by Westside Union School District, but do offer afterschool child care opportunities on our campus, and include homework help and tutoring for our students. If you are interested in after school child care, please register through the individual websites for these companies.
Currently Esperanza has Boys and Girls Club of Antelope Valley and Innovation Education as on site options for after school care.
Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Westside Union School District has the primary responsibility for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. We have established Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) to address allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying, and complaints alleging violation of state or federal laws governing educational programs, the charging of unlawful pupil fees and the non-compliance of our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Visit the Parent Portal for access to attendance, grades and so much more!