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Letter from Administration

Esperanza Elementary School is located at 40521 35th St. West, Palmdale CA 93551 in the southwest portion of the Antelope Valley in the Westside Union School District.

Each year Esperanza reviews and updates our School Site Plan to help meet the needs of our diverse student population. This plan helps to define various programs and methods to serve students including methods to work with students through specialized programs including: English Language Learners (ELL), Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), and Special Education. Special Education services are comprised of Speech, Resource Specialist Program (RSP), and Special Day Class (SDC). Supplemental programs exist to extend learning opportunities for all students, with an emphasis on helping our at-risk population succeed. Programs may include: before and/or after-school tutoring, musical instrument instruction, and a variety of fee-based enrichment programs in sports, the arts, and things like science.

Esperanza’s School Plan offers the on-going opportunity to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate a meaningful standards-based curriculum for all students. The goals, objectives and activities have been identified and written based on needs expressed by students, parents and teacher input, previewing state/district test findings, analysis of the NWEA quarterly tests, and our state CAASPP test scores. These goals, objectives and activities are established to improve and focus instruction at Esperanza’s Elementary School enabling students to meet grade level, district and state standards.

The School Site Council, English Language Advisory Council, Safety Committee, and staff collaborated to develop and refine the plan and will continue to work towards the ongoing implementation, evaluation and revision of this plan as needed.

Esperanza Elementary has as one of its essential philosophical cornerstones, the concept that quality school programs are based on shared decision-making by all staff members in meeting school district and state guidelines.

Esperanza benefits from a dedicated and active PTA which serves as a direct link to the community. The PTA funds and coordinates numerous student opportunities that include: assemblies, field trips, family nights, reading and fitness incentive programs, Accelerated Reader, binder reminders, and an annual Fall Festival.

Regular and on-time attendance is critical to student success at our school. An incentive program is in place to motivate students to be on-time and at school daily, and to build responsibility.

The staff of Esperanza is dedicated to our families and students, and we look forward to another year of learning together!